Getting Started

The video above explains the basic functionality of Land Measure Pro.

After you have opened the application, the first thing you will want to do is find the place you want to measure on the map. The easiest way to do this is to type in the address, or part of the address, into the “Search" "Place” field on the toolbar.

Once you have found what you are looking for you can position the map by using the left mouse to pan, and the mouse scroll wheel to zoom. You can also change the map type under preferences to get the best view of the area concerned.

When you are ready to measure simply press the “draw” icon on the toolbar then press the left mouse button to drop a measuring pin at the location of the mouse pointer. Drop multiple pins to form a line or boundary around an area. 

If you make a mistake you can remove the last pin dropped using the “remove” icon from the toolbar. If you want to start over and lose all the pins you can use the “New” icon from the toolbar.

If you wish to move the map in between dropping pins you can press the “map” button on the toolbar to revert to positioning the map with the mouse. NOTE: you can also press shift plus left mouse at any time to drop a measuring pin. If you are measuring an area you press the “Close” icon on the toolbar to connect the first and last pin to form a closed area. If you want to measure a length or perimeter instead of an area, use the layers dialog to change the Type of measurement.

Inside the layers dialog you can also change the color of the measurement, and control how it is labeled. 

When your measurement is complete, be sure to save your work using the “Save” icon from the toolbar.